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Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion


Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion

For general inquiries about the services of the Office of the Dean, please contact:

Patrizia Stadler von Ah (E-Mail)

Postal address:

Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion
Office of the Dean
Kirchgasse 9
8001 Zurich

Students and prospective students

Inquiries regarding the academic program at the TRF can be directed to the academic advisors of the Department of Theology (ThS) or the Department of Religious Studies (RWS):

Farida Stickel, academic advisor RWS (E-Mail)
Mona Velinsky, academic advisor ThS (E-Mail)

If you have any administrative questions about the degree program, please contact the Assistant to the Vice Dean of Studies, Barbara Cahn (E-Mail).

Media Inquiries

Media inquiries can be addressed either directly to the researchers or to the TRF communications responsible:

Andi Gredig, communications TRF (E-Mail)