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Historically, the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion (TRF) is one of the nuclei of the UZH. It can be traced back to the “Prophezey,” an educational institution for reformed preachers founded by the reformer Huldrych Zwingli in 1525. Today, in addition to theologians, it also trains religious scholars – and teaches and researches various religions and other life-oriented phenomena. In a sense, it follows the traces of religion and spirituality from a historical, contemporary and global perspective. This involves, for example, political relevance, digital presence or secular spirituality.
The TRF is home to the Department of Theology (ThS), the Department of Religious Studies (RWS) and the Center for Religion, Economics and Politics (ZRWP). A whole range of subjects are researched and taught at the two departments. They are also home to several research centers/research institutes as well as the Visiting Professorship for Islamic Theology and Education and the Sigi Feigel Visiting Professorship for Jewish Studies.
The TRF Dean’s office provides a wide range of services for students, staff and the two departments. The Dean’s team also supports the Dean and the Faculty’s Committees and Governing Bodies in fulfilling their duties, namely the Faculty Councel, the Faculty Assembly and the Study Commissions.
A total of 17 professorships are located at the two TRF departments. In addition, the Faculty has a strong group of Junior Academics (WNW) and a number of Senior Researchers and Teaching Staff (FFL). They offer TRF students a high-quality academic programm with an excellent supervision ratio. The administrative and technical staff provide ideal conditions for research and teaching/learning. Former students of the Faculty are organized in the Alumni Association.