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Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion

Information for PhD Candidates

The doctorate at the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion takes place as part of the Individual Doctorate or in the doctoral program in the Study of Religion or in the doctoral program in Theology. In addition to writing a dissertation, which demonstrates the ability to conduct independent academic research, the doctorate includes curricular components (12 ECTS in the individual doctorate, 30 ECTS in the doctoral programs) and – in the case of the individual doctorate – a doctoral colloquium.

Doctoral Regulations and Doctoral Degree Regulations

The legal basis for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion is generally the Doctoral regulations (in German) (PDF, 71 KB); in addition, the provisions in the respective doctoral degree regulations apply:

Doctoral degree regulations general doctorate (in German) (PDF, 152 KB)


Persons who have obtained a Master’s degree (focused degree program or major) from the University of Zurich or another university, possibly abroad, in the subject in which the doctorate is sought, with at least a good overall grade, are admitted to the doctorate.

The Faculty or the responsible Studies Commission (in German) decides on possible exceptions at the applicant’s request. Persons who have obtained a Master’s degree in another subject related to the intended doctoral subject may be admitted. Another prerequisite for admission is the willingness of a member of the professorial staff to support the doctoral project and to chair the doctoral committee accompanying the doctorate. With the confirmation, the application can be submitted to the Admissions Office of the University of Zurich for the Fall or Spring Semester.

Supervision confirmation form for doctoral candidates (PDF, 264 KB)

Further information on admission to doctoral studies can be found on the corresponding website of the University of Zurich.

At the Beginning of the Doctoral Studies

For each doctoral theses, a PhD committee is formed with a main supervisor consisting of at least two experts and headed by a member of the professorial staff with main responsibility. Their task is to supervise the doctoral candidate. They receive regular feedback on the quality and progress of their research work from the main supervisor, at least every semester.

A copy of the doctoral agreement must be submitted to the Dean’s Office no later than 12 months after the date of admission to the doctoral study. The doctoral agreement is a binding orientation instrument for the optimal design of the framework conditions. It can be adapted if necessary.

During the Doctoral Studies

Curricular components

ECTS credits can be acquired in university modules at doctoral level: In addition to research colloquia in the respective discipline and interdisciplinary courses, this also includes courses in the area of interdisciplinary skills (e.g. English writing skills, university didactics). ECTS credits can be awarded for participation in congresses and conferences, courses for PhD candidates, inter-university doctoral programs and networks, summer schools, etc. if an active and verifiable contribution is made (paper, poster, presentation) and a report is written for the attention of the main supervisor and approved by him/her.

Individual Doctorate

Modules amounting to at least 12 ECTS credits must be completed for the successful completion of the Individual Doctorate. At least 6 ECTS credits must be earned in the area of subject-specific competencies and at least 4 ECTS credits in the area of interdisciplinary competencies.

Doctoral Programs

At least 30 ECTS credits must be earned for a doctorate as part of a doctoral program. Please refer to the doctoral program regulations of the respective programs.

Guidelines for the awarding of ECTS credits in the doctoral program in Theology (in German) (PDF, 91 KB)

PhD Thesis

A dissertation usually consists of a monograph. The Faculty Assembly decides on other forms. The dissertation can be written in German, French, Italian or English, or in another language on request.

Completion of the Doctoral Studies

Doctorate prosedure

Please note the timetable for doctorate procedures at the TRF and the associated deadlines.

Registration for the doctorate

Once the PhD candidate has completed the doctoral thesis and earned the required number of ECTS credits, he or she can register for the doctorate with the Dean’s office. The following documents must be submitted:

  1. The registration form (see below) with the signature of the chairperson of the PhD committee
  2. The doctoral thesis written by the PhD candidate (one copy for each member of the PhD committee)

  3. The CV
  4. Proof of enrollment as a PhD candidate at the University of Zurich in accordance with the ordinance on admission to the University (VZS) (in German)
  5. Proof of the successfully acquired ECTS credits
  6. Proof that any requirements have been met

Awarded title and application forms

The application form differs according to the desired title. There are two degree options for the PhD in the Studies of Religion: The inter-faculty doctorate at the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences leads to the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (German: Dr. phil.; English: PhD). The faculty-internal doctorate at the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion leads to the academic degree of Doctor of Religious Studies (German: Dr. sc. rel.; English: PhD). For the doctorate in theology, the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion awards the title of Doctor of Theology (German: Dr. theol.;  English: PhD).

Weiterführende Informationen


Doktorate in Theology
Prof. Dr. Jörg Frey

Doktorate in Study of Religion
Prof. Dr. Rafael Walthert

Exam registration
Patrizia Stadler von Ah (Office of the Dean TRF)

Additional offers

DSI Excellence Program
The Digital Society Initiative (DSI) offers an Excellence Program for new and prospective PhD candidates who are interested in the digital transformation. It starts annually in September.

Ombudsperson WNW

If conflicts or problems arise with your supervisor during your doctoral studies, you can contact the following ombudspersons:

Department of Theology:
Prof. Dr. Matthias D. Wüthrich

Department of Religious Studies:
Dr. Farida Stickel

Icon Graduate Campus (Focus on Postdocs)

Graduate Campus

The Graduate Campus of the University of Zurich supports PhD candidates and postdocs in their academic careers. It offers funding for interdisciplinary activities, access to a large network of junior researchers and organizes courses in the area of “interdisciplinary skills”.

Female journalist with microphone having an interview with man on camera screen in office, closeup

Ethics in research

The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion is responsible for the ethical review of research projects. A vote by the Ethics Committee may be necessary in the context of an application for research funding (e.g. to the SNSF) or in connection with the publication of research results in a journal.

Forschung in der Religionswissenschaft, Professor sitzt vor dem Computer und schreibt von Hand etwas auf; auf dem Bildschirm sieht man die Abbildung einer antiken bildlichen Quelle

Habilitation and adjunct professorship

Information on habilitation and adjunct professorships at the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion can be found in the corresponding ordinances.
