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Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion

PhD Procedure at the TRF

The doctoral procedure at the TRF differs depending on whether it takes place within the framework of the Individual Doctorate or a Doctoral Program (PhD programs).

Individual Doctorate


  1. The PhD thesis must be submitted to the Dean’s Office by the published deadlines (see below).
  2. By agreement between the PhD candidate and the PhD committee, in unclear cases with the involvement of the Vice Dean of Studies the experts are appointed.
  3. The expert reports are usually available within eight weeks and should be available within a maximum of twelve weeks.
  4. The Faculty Assembly decides on the provisional classification and determines the colloquium.
  5. In the following Faculty Assembly, the PhD conferral is awarded with a classification. (In this case, please note the Assembly break during the semester break).


PhD candidates


Faculty Assembly

Deadline for submission of documents to the Dean’s Office by Submission of expert reports to the Dean’s Office by Discussion of expert reports, planning colloquium (usually) PhD conferral (usually)
Spring Semester
December 10 February 10 February March
Januar 10 March 10 March April
February 10 April 10 April May
March 10 May 10 May September
Fall Semester
July 10 September 10 September October
August 10 October 10 October November
September 10 November 10 November December
October 10 December 10 December February

Doctoral Program (Without Colloquium)


  1. The PhD thesis must be submitted to the Dean’s Office by the published deadlines (see below).
  2. The experts are determined by agreement between the PhD candidate and the doctoral committee, in unclear cases with the involvement of the Vice Dean of Studies.
  3. The expert reports are usually available within eight weeks and should be available within a maximum of twelve weeks.
  4. The Faculty Assembly decides on the PhD conferral with classification.


PhD candidates


Faculty Assembly

Deadline for submission of documents to the Dean’s Office by Submission of expert reports to the Dean’s Office by PhD conferral (usually)  

Spring Semester

December 10 February 10 February  
January 10 March 10 March  
February 10  April 10 April  
March 10 May 10 May  
Fall Semester    
July 10 September 10 September  
August 10 October 10 October  
September 10 November 10 November  
October 10 December 10 December