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Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion

Publication of the PhD Thesis on ZORA

The duration of doctoral study at the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion is completed with the publication of the PhD thesis on ZORA. The revision requirements specified by the doctoral committee must be incorporated for this publication.

The publication is carried out by the Dean’s Office. It is not permitted to make the publication on ZORA yourself.

The publication on ZORA replaces the publication as an e-PhD thesis or as a publisher’s publication and the submission of printed copies is thus completely eliminated.

There are three possibilities for the “Publication on ZORA” option:

  1. Immediate publication of the full text on the www, i.e. publicly accessible.
  2. Immediate publication of the full text on the UZH internal web, i.e. only accessible with UZH shortname.
  3. Blocking of the full text for 3 years, after expiry of the deadline publication on www.

Option 3 is particularly recommended if you are planning a later publishing publication. In cases where it is necessary to block the full text for longer than three years (e.g. for copyright reasons), an extension of the blocking period can be requested after three years.


  • Send the completed application for publication on ZORA (see below), a PDF-A of your PhD thesis and a separate PDF of the title page incl. back cover to the Dean’s Office ( (Instructions for creating archivable PDFs [PDF-A] see below)
  • Please make sure that you prepare the title page and the back page according to the template provided (German or English, see below) and that a short CV (approx. ½ page) is attached at the end of the PhD thesis.
  • The PDFs are checked by the Dean’s Office. They are then published on ZORA.

Once the PhD thesis has been published on ZORA, the duration of doctoral study is complete and no further changes can be made to the uploaded PhD thesis.


Closing Documents

The Dean’s Office prepares the definitive final documents immediately after publication of the PhD thesis on ZORA and sends them to the PhD candidates. The doctoral title may be used from this point in time.